Tag - Case Management

Tag - Case Management

Two people reviewing documents and analyzing sets of data at a table.

Do the Level of Service Tools Provide Long-Term Insights?

Predictive validity refers to an assessment's ability to accurately predict an outcome. In the context of risk/needs assessments, accuracy is determined through a validation process. Validation tests if an assessment’s estimated risk/needs score for an individual corresponds to actual behavior or outcomes. In order to test the prediction, meaningful outcome...

A city skyline

Five Trends That Will Shape Public Safety in 2023

Coming out of 2022, public safety organizations must examine internal and external factors that could greatly affect their operations. What are the emerging trends and needs in public safety? What can organizations do to support these critical issues? Here are the five trends we predict will be significant focus areas...

A person works on their laptop, holding a pen and their phone.

Modernizing Technology in Public Safety Agencies

The call for evidence-informed trainings to leverage technology to align with evidence informed practices and integrated software solutions have increased among the correctional field, specifically around community supervision and risk assessment. The advancement of evidence-based practices has been most influenced by the adoption of the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model. Developed in...


Enhancing Outcomes For Communities And Supporting Justice Organizations

Within our Public Safety division, MHS provides evidence-informed training, tools, and insights to assist correctional, mental health, and law enforcement professionals–to help implement best practices that support their communities. We understand the urgent need for unbiased, equitable, solutions-focused tools. By realizing the potential in every individual, we offer improved outcomes...